In the end, allow me a little advice: I am prone to think that other people in the future should not recognize some of your beautiful work (even not counting that many players do not know all the girls), so putting picture names in your posts will help people addressing you with "Hey, the resemblance is impressive!" or "you sure it is her?" The question is: is that your drawing style, some limit in your drawing tool, or it's me more idiot than the usual? In my humble opinion, comparing your art to the original poses of the girls, some faces result quite different (in particular I would not have recognized Ankyo if she weren't in her pilot suit, and I'm sorry to say I don't recognize your last one). That said, allow the finicky one a little critic/question, more or less the same I already made to Hollo on a different "item". Impossible to deny that the image are really nice.